SIP – 8.Mary Sibande & Experiment

Exhibition visit in Somerset House, I discovered Mary Sibande, South African artist. She used models delivery message about femininity, blackness, injustice and revolution in South Africa. The blue uniform figure dressed like a domestic servant and Sophie(the purple character) is like a dream, a fantastical figure that presents the struggles and hopes. The composition of the two figure are also interesting, and it is like a mirror reflecting each other. The purple things around Sophie are the army that can protect her.

I made sketches influenced by her work, and I did more research on her online, and there are works about using VR to experience the magic in Sophie’s world. I think it is a good idea to create something like that, let the audience see the world I see.



I used the iPad to draw the pattern that is the first layer and get it to the laser cutter and made this lens cone. It was not effective because I used a transparent acrylic sheet. I think it would be better with more colours. Then I made this kaleidoscope thing and tested out in mask I got from Red Palace.

I understand the outcome was rough, but I enjoy doing 3D and using a laser cutter.

The patterns of the lens:


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